We Empower people...
Our Principles
Explore the depths of your soul to uncover profound insights and guidance through the practice of "Integral Yoga"
Definition of Yoga
Embrace Unity
Seek Inner Wisdom
Recognize the interconnectedness of all beings and embrace the power of Unity Consciousness.
Yoga means to Yoke or connect. Integral yoga is a compliment of disciplines designed to reconnect you with your Higher Self and aspire to reach Ascesnion and Unity Consciousness
Integral Yoga
Integral Yoga is the practice of 5 major categories. Yoga of Wisdom, Meditation yoga, Tantric yoga, Yoga of devotional love and Yoga of selfless action
Yoga of Wisdom
This is the study of ancient original texts and inspirational teachings. This practice is about contemplation of material that cause introspective study
Meditation Yoga
Meditating on teachings and developing your Higher Self connection. Developing Allowance and Surrender. Moving Meditation
Tantric Yoga
Physical postures and Energy work. Energy centres and Kundalini activation
Yoga of Selfless action
Living according to teachings and the practice of ethical behaviour. Living in the Moment and within your Truth
Turning your attention towards a loving relationship with your Higher Self. Developing a blissful experience and reaching for Unity Consciousness
Yoga of devotional love
About Universal Truths
We believe in the power of spiritual growth to transform lives. Our mission is to provide individuals with the tools and knowledge they need to embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.
Meet the best teacher ever
Philippe has many successful years in teaching advanced techniques and extensive experience in channelling Universal information.
In this busy time, we are all going through tremendous change, both mentally and spiritually and Univeral Truths is here to help you. Universal Truths was started back in the late 90's. After his Awakening, Philippe was prompted by The Source to start this channel/Brand of information. During his induction into communication with the Source he was given a tremendous amount of knowledge about the Evolution of the Soul. This led to the creation of the Universal Truths brand. The name was also given to him, as it would serve to connect like minded Souls. The mission was to impart valuable knowledge to assist Seekers in developing their own awakening and connect with their Higher Selves. Today we have reached a point where the information given to Philippe has become a reality. In his books he covers and provides the original teachings and predictions provide by the Source. How to connect with your Higher Self! How to perfect meditation for the purpose of unlocking Universal Secrets! More imporantly right now, how to face fear and your Ego, in order to move from Fear-Based beliefs to those of Love.
We are a team and as Unity Consciouness we deserve to lift the veil of separation that blinds us.
At Universal Truths, we aspire to connect with everyone, and build a network of Awakened Souls that wil assist in the Global Awakening and Ascension